Damn it, I'm terrible at keeping this updated...
Anyways happy New years people.
I've been so busy with nothing lately that I can't understand that I haven't posted anything on here.
Well anyways let's try to a quick resume of the past months I've been away?
Mom left for Brazil and apparently she's not that happy being there... wonder why? 'Cause she's in Rio... I did warn her that gringos and specially those who used to live in Sao Paulo aren't that welcomed in Rio, but would she listen to me? No no no... no one ever does (drama queen much?)
So I've been alone at the apartment with the ferret and the occasional friends coming and
staying for a while.

As some of might have seen, fox tails have been in for a while now... I ended up getting myself 3 all brought as fake fur... one turned out to be real >.< Anyways you can try to spot my smelly little ferret out in the photo to you right!

Some of you might remember me being completely hyper retarded back in October about the start of my right arm's sleeve?
So this is the first part of a 4 elemental pieces + background sleeve.
This one tells the story of a little girl thrown to the wolves in the deep of the Amazon forest, only for the girl come back and avenge herself as a wolf. Pretty awesome story.
Next step will probably be the Maenad (in mid April), then the "Vampiress"(in early May) and finally the 7 tail red Hokkaido fox(appointment not booked yet).
All from tales being told in my family for at least 5 generations.

For Christmas I spent it with Lykke and her family since they were kind enough to invite me over since else I would most likely to have been alone. Everything was great, it's been a long while since I last had so much fun at a Christmas day. Lykke went a tad overboard with giving me presents. But I'm not the only one that got spoiled, Pachi the little smelly ferret furball did too, now she's probably the happiest ferret on the block because of the snack ball she got and a pack of her favorite food. (ps. she ate half the chocolates from the box when I wasn't looking... DAMN FURBALL!)

New Years was as usual spent with the Danish resident staff from Rockfreaks.net and friends.
As usual this means that I get boreeeeeed really early as I'm the only non drunken morron in the crew (although I still love you guys veeeery much)!
But before the party Lykke and I hitted fields and I raped my wallet... (this is getting out of control...) I ended up spending a lot of money on Bodum stuff... (but it's so pretty and colorful how can I ignore it?) which I really didn't need but oh what the fuck... gotta have some fun huh?
I was supposed to be back in class from monday on but my classes have so far all been cancelled so I've been bored at home editing photos from way back in my carreer and reading books, so far I've already finished 3 books in 2,5 days. Keep going this fast and I'll have to rape my wallet at amazon again. -_-
Tomorrow I'm off for a hopefully not too long sitting at the Tusch studio in central CPH to get more done on my left arm's sleeve by Charlotte Monster. Hopefully we're finally get to finish the background and do some very needed touch up on the outlining and the turquoise dress.
After that it's home to Grandpa and his wife for some good food and then it's home and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep zzzZZzzzZZzzZZzzzZZZzzzzzZZZZZZzzz ('Cause I obviously don't get enough of that)!!!!
Next post will be containing a lot of old photos I'm preparing since I'm not sure if I'll be shooting any gigs here in January since Street Dogs decided to cancel their whole euro tour yet again.